15 Pre-Workout Meal Prep Snacks

Pre-workouts snacks consumed about 1-2 hours before exercise can maximize results from your workout.

It is important to keep pre-workout snacks light so your stomach isn’t requiring too much energy for digestion. Eating specific foods at the right times can help you trim fat, build muscle, and provide the energy needed during your workout.

This list of 15 Pre-Workout Snacks are healthy, light, and ideal for meal prep.


  1. 1 cup of cottage cheese (Low-fat or fat-free)  with fruit (strawberries, blueberries, peaches).
  2. Hard-boiled eggs
  3. Apple slices with peanut butter
  4. Hummus and carrots
  5. 1 Banana or 1 Orange
  6. Yogurt sprinkled with oats or nuts
  7. Rice cakes
  8. ½ cup of chickpeas
  9. Oatmeal with whey protein
  10.  Handful of trail mix
  11. Handful of dried fruit
  12. Fruit smoothie (yogurt, fruit, protein powder)
  13. ½ Sweet potato
  14. Almond butter on one slice of whole wheat bread
  15. Protein granola bar


Tips on what to avoid pre-workout:

  • Leafy Greens (difficult on digestion)
  • Spicy Food
  • Heavy/large meals
  • Cruciferous vegetables (Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli)


*Remember to always stay hydrated. Water is best!


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