4 Easy Arm Exercises To Strengthen & Define

When you think about how to get toned and defined arms you might think that the best way to go about getting results is with endless reps on the weight bench or countless minutes in the plank position. Although these will certainly eventually result in stronger arms, it has been found that dynamic movements that incorporate the use of more muscle groups is actually better for your overall health and fitness than the relatively static workouts mentioned above. Here are a list of four arm exercises that will not only tone and define your arms, but will also strengthen and tighten your legs and glutes.


For each of these arm exercises try to complete as many reps as you can in 90 seconds. For the best results run through the list as many times as your body will allow. Each time push yourself to complete one more rep, one more set or one more round and you’ll begin seeing improvement in no time.

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Curl Press


Although the majority of your body is in a static position for this exercise your arms are working with your back to make these movements while you are in a standing position, which means that you are still working multiple muscle groups. To complete this exercise you need to stand tall with your feet hip width apart. Hold one weight in each hand and rest your arms in front of your thighs with your palms facing out. Curl the weights to your shoulders and press upwards, over your head. Release your arms back down to your thighs. For 90 seconds, repeat this movement as many times you can while keeping accurate form.

Squat Curl

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Take your curl press one step farther by adding a squat into the equation and you’ll be increasing not only your arm strength but also the strength in your legs, glutes, and torso. To complete this exercise you need to stand tall with your feet shoulder width apart. Keep one weight in each hand and rest your arms in front of your thighs, with your palms facing away from your body. Hinge your hips and lower yourself into a deep squat while keeping your body weight balanced on your heels. Stand and curl your weights to your shoulders. Release your arms back down to your thighs. Repeat this movement as many times as you are able to in a 90 second time period. For the best results you should focus on your form rather than your speed.

Squat Curl Press

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This exercise is a full body workout that will tone your arms, sculpt your abs, strengthen your legs and tighten your glutes. To complete this exercise you need to start by standing wall with your feet placed shoulder width apart. With a weight in each hand, rest them palms up on your thighs. Hinge your hips and lower yourself into a deep squat. Be sure that your body weight is resting in your torso and on your heels. Come back to a standing position and curl your weights to your shoulders before pressing them upwards above your head. Bring your arms back down to rest on your thighs. Repeat these movements as many times as you can manage within a 90 second time period. Make sure that you are focusing more on maintaining your form than increasing your speed.

Weighted Squat


The weighted squat is one of the easier arm exercises on this list, which is why it’s been added to the end. To complete this exercise you need to stand tall with your feet shoulder width apart. Rest your weights on your shoulders so that your wrists will not be strained during this workout. Hinge your hips and lower yourself into a deep squat keeping your weight balanced in your heels and torso. Stand. Repeat this movement as many times as you can in a 90 second period making sure to pay attention to form.

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For any of the arm exercises listed above: use the size weight that you are most comfortable with, or you feel pushes you just slightly past your comfort level without risking injury.

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