How Long Will Your Cooked Vegetables Stay Fresh?

One of the hardest things to determine when eating fresh, natural, and healthy is how long certain foods will stay fresh once they’ve been cooked. You can finally stop guessing because we’ve compiled freshness lists of the most popular vegetables, meats & poultry, and fish used in cooking for you to reference anytime you need it.

The following lists solely contains cooked foods.

Find Your Veggie In The Refrigerator In The Freezer
Artichokes 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Asparagus 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Beans (Snap/String/Wax) 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Beet Greens 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Beets 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Bitter Melon 3-5 Days N/A
Black-Eyed Peas 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Bok Choy 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Broad Beans 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Broccoli 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Brussel Sprouts 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Burdock Root/Gobo Root 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Cabbage 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Cardoon 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Carrots 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Cauliflower 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Celeriac/Celery Root 3-4 Days 10-12 Months
Celery 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Chayote 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Chickepas/Garbanzos 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Chinese Cabbage 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Chinese Long Beans 3-4 Days 10-12 Months
Collard Greens 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Corn on the Cob 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Cranberry Beans 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Dandelion Greens 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Dock 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Eggplant 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Fiddlehead Ferns 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Jerusalem Artichokes (Sunchokes) 3-5 Days N/A
Jicama 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Kale 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Kohlrabi 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Leeks 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Lima Beans 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Mushrooms 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Mustard Greens 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Nopales 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Okra 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Onions 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Parsnips 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Peas (Green) 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Peas (Sugar Snap Peas) 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Peppers (All Varieties) 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Potatoes (All except sweet potatoes and yams) 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Pumpkin 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Rutabagas 3-5 Days 8-10 Months
Salsify (Vegetable Oyster) 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Shallots 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Snow Peas 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Soybeans 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Spinach 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Squash (Summer) 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Squash (Winter) 3-5 Days N/A
Sweet Potatoes 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Swiss Chard 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Taro 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Tomatoes 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Turnip Greens 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Turnips 3-5 Days 8-10 Months
Yams 3-5 Days 10-12 Months
Yardlong Beans 3-5 Days 10-12 Months

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