Autumn Brown

For many of my teen years, I struggled with having an eating disorder– I would get really skinny, just to turn around and “puff” back up. I maintained this pattern for many years never thinking about the consequences of my actions and how I was hurting myself, my body, and my self-esteem.


In 2010, I was in a bad car accident and sustained injuries to my neck and back, putting me out of working out for 4 years. I started nursing school around the same time and I let my diet go as well as not being able to workout. The photo on the left was taken while I was vacationing in Puerto Rico a few years after becoming a mom. After a long break and a major set back, I finally got the release from my neurologist last year who said that despite still having injuries, I could start working out again. Since then, I have been working out and fueling my body properly. No more eating disorder, no more letting myself go. I knew I had to make positive changes in my life and start taking better care of myself. I am sharing my transformation for anyone who thinks it is impossible, for anyone who has given up and let themselves go, to show that you have to love yourself enough to want better for yourself. Yes, some days are harder than others, but you have to continue to push yourself and never give up. Love yourself and your body first and foremost, you only get one!


The post Autumn Brown appeared first on ISOLATOR FITNESS BLOG.