Julia Florez

I’ve been the proud owner of an Isobag for 2 years and everyday it helps me keep up with my daily regimen and healthy lifestyle.

Everyone starts somewhere (even fitness professionals)…

Once upon a time I wasn’t a personal trainer…


I was a female trapped in the perpetual cycle of unhealthy weight loss and sub-sequential weight gain.

Like many of you, I “ate” my emotions in the form of brownie sundaes, indulgent salty foods, and many a late-night snack. Then I would wake up the next morning, feeling so disgusting. That feeling of disgust would lead to an attempted starvation stint. I always worked out, but I could never get past my roadblocks with my weight.

Seriously, it was a cycle for YEARS…

Then one day I got tired of it. I KNEW I deserved better. I knew I was better than this pattern of behavior. As a result, I started to make small changes. Those small, CONSISTENT changes over time COMPLETELY changed my life FOREVER.

Today, I am fortunate enough to lead others on their journey to their best self. Having traveled that road, I totally understand the emotions and challenges along the way. But we are stronger than any negative emotion that creeps in on us. Once we become powerful enough and believe in our power, our whole world changes.

colored meal prep containers

The post Julia Florez appeared first on ISOLATOR FITNESS BLOG.