Bodybuilding Food Bag

When it comes to fitness, it’s pretty obvious that nutrition and exercise go hand in hand. But what may not be obvious to the average observer, is that fitness is influenced significantly more by nutrition than it is by exercise. The split is about 80/20. No one knows this better than athletes and bodybuilders, who spend their lives perfecting a balance between their nutritional intake and their physical activity levels. This is why a bodybuilding food bag has a specific look and design to it. The average lunch box holds about enough food for one lunch, and maybe a couple of small snacks, but a bodybuilding food bag has the potential to hold up to eight meals. With the amount of physical exertion that a bodybuilder puts out, they have to fuel their body more often, and with more calories than the average person, so having constant access to enough meals to last them the day is crucial to their success.


food prep containers

Isolator fitness makes three different bags that can each be classified as a bodybuilding food bag, based solely on the amount of food that they are capable of carrying. Each of these bags is designed to carry six to eight meals, and keep them within a safe cool temperature for sixteen hours. In addition to these bags there are also four other food bags that Isolator Fitness manufactures for those individuals who may not consume as many meals in any given day. Those bags are designed to hold anywhere from one to six meals, depending on the bag.

meal prep bag

Bodybuilding Food Bag Options

Six Meal Isobag

The most popular bodybuilding food bag manufactured by Isolator Fitness, is the full size six meal bag. It is designed to hold six to eight meals within the front insulated food pocket, and keep them cold for sixteen hours, with the use of three IsoBrick ice packs. In addition to the ample amount of cooling capacity this bag maintains within the main meal pocket, it also has two insulated side pockets that can be used for keeping extra mason jar meals, pre-made supplement or protein shakes, and water bottles nice and cold for future consumption. The full size six meal bodybuilding food bag is equipped with a shallow top zippered compartment that also happens to be insulated for the convenient storage of healthy snacks, condiments, utensils, and napkins. Finally this bag comes with two mesh side pockets for extra beverages, as well as a removable padded shoulder strap for convenient carrying.

Six Meal Cube


For those bodybuilders who appreciate the meal storage capacity of the full size six meal bag, but have no use for the exterior insulated side pockets that it boasts, the six meal cube bodybuilding food bag offers a slightly more compact option. The main interior insulated pocket can still fit six to eight meals, and the shallow top insulated compartment remains in tact for additional healthy snacks, utensils, and napkins. Even the two mesh side pockets are present on this bag, to make beverage storage simple. The inclusion of the removable padded shoulder strap, makes this bodybuilding food bag just as functional and convenient as the larger version, without the bulk that the insulated side pockets add.



A large portion of a bodybuilders day is spent at the gym or working out, which means that one of their most basic staple items is a duffle bag, or gym bag of some sort. Unfortunately since their nutritional health is just as important, if not more so, than the actual exercise they participate in, they also need to carry around their bodybuilding food bag. This much baggage can be bulky and is frankly rendered unnecessary by the addition of the IsoDuffle to their gym bag collection. By adding an insulated meal storage compartment that is capable of storing six to eight meals into a full sized duffle bag, is transforms from an ordinary gym bag, into the ultimate bodybuilding food bag. The seamless integration of the meal pocket into the interior space of the bag allows for minimal bulk to be added, while maximum storage is maintained.


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